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Picaflor Farm LLC is a medicinal herb and flower farm, apiary, and residential gardening service. The farm centers, values and uplifts women, gender-nonconformity, and racial and ethnic diversity, We provide pollinator friendly gardening services and cultivate a diverse array of pollinator-friendly flowers, medicinal plants, and herbs and keep a strong and thriving apiary so we can create value-added products sold at farmers markets, festivals, and our farm stand.

We are looking for a kind humans who are excited to work along with the Picaflor team as gardeners and gardening leads. We'll work at client's houses and at our farm creating and maintaining pollinator-friendly spaces. The gardener leads will interact with clients and other team members and will help Picaflor Farm educate clients and team members in creating pollinator-friendly choices. The ideal candidates will have strong work ethic and knowledge of working at a human scale to build gardens that attract pollinators. We do our best to work in quiet and non-commercial ways, and we do not use chemicals or large commercial power tools.

The candidates for gardening leads and gardeners will be inclusive, open, unwaveringly dependable, love working outdoors under all kinds of conditions (heat, cold, buggy, areas with poison ivy, etc..), and be willing to work independently (and collaboratively).

Gardening leads will guide and teach other team members.

All individuals MUST center, value and respect women, gender nonconforming humans, and racial and ethnic diversity within the work team and our clients. Creativity, independence, resourcefulness, and willingness to be flexible is necessary because we are a small team and our work is often unpredictable. We are excited to work alongside you as we make improvements to the farm and continue to grow and serve our gardening clients. The work season is from April - November.

Lots of birds migrate south during cold upstate NY winters, but the ones that stay have to survive frigid temperatures and we can help! Here’s a few things we do at Picaflor Farm.

We provide fresh, clean water and put out suet, sunflower seeds, and peanuts in the shell.

We make sure not to cut down our grasses and seed bearing perennials and have lots of native berry plants and evergreens so that the birds have protection from the weather, are safe from predators, and have lots of natural food sources.

We don’t cut down old trees full of cavities and we have lots of bird boxes that the birds will use to keep warm. They pile in one on top of the other to keep warm on the coldest nights! .

What are some things you do to help the birds in winter?

Muchas aves migran hacia el sur durante los fríos inviernos del norte del estado de Nueva York, pero las que se quedan tienen que sobrevivir a temperaturas gélidas y ¡podemos ayudar! Aquí hay algunas cosas que hacemos en Picaflor Farm. Proporcionamos agua fresca y limpia y sacamos sebo, semillas de girasol y maní con cáscara.

Nos aseguramos de no talar nuestros pastos y plantas perennes que producen semillas y tenemos muchas plantas de bayas y árboles de hoja perenne nativos para que las aves estén protegidas del clima, estén a salvo de los depredadores y tengan muchas fuentes naturales de alimento.

Y también nos aseguramos de no talar árboles viejos llenos de cavidades y de tener muchas cajas para pájaros que los pájaros usarán para protegerse del frío. ¡Se apilan uno encima del otro para mantener el calor en las noches más frías! .

¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas que haces para ayudar a los pájaros en invierno?

It may be cold and blustery outside, but it’s not winter yet!! The Dahlias are still blooming and the bees are still doing their thing!! Be patient in your garden at this time of the year. Don’t rush pulling up Dahlia tubers and let your perennial flowers and hardy annuals gently go to seed! It will help the plants and the pollinators! 🥰 This incredible photo was taken by @purcellfoto at our stand during Apple Fest!

Puede ser frío y ventoso afuera, ¡pero aún no es invierno! ¡¡Las dalias siguen floreciendo y las abejas siguen haciendo lo suyo!! Ten paciencia en tu jardín en esta época del año. ¡No te apresures a arrancar los tubérculos de Dahlia y deja que tus flores perennes y las anuales resistentes se conviertan suavemente en semillas! ¡Ayudará a las plantas ya los polinizadores! 🥰¡Esta increíble foto fue tomada por @purcellfoto en nuestro stand durante el Apple Fest!

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